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Martin Johnson, Director
Associate Professor, Department of Political Science
Martin Johnson research investigates public opinion and political communication.  He teaches graduate and undergraduate courses in American politics, public opinion and behavior, and research methods.  His current research investigates linkages between citizens and government officials, the policy relevance of individual and collective opinion, how social environments and other sources of information shape public opinion, and relationships between reporters and officials. Johnson’s research has appeared in the American Journal of Political Science, Political Research Quarterly, Electoral Studies, Political Analysis, Political Psychology, and State Politics and Policy Quarterly

David Crow
, Associate Director
David Crow is responsible for the operations of the UCR Survey Research Center. He has worked as a researcher at the Center for Deliberative Polling Research at University of Texas and as a data analyst for Berumen y Asociados in Mexico City.  Crow's dissertation investigates Mexican politics and public opinion. He has a forthcoming paper at Comparative Political Studies and his research has appeared in the Bulletin of Latin American Research.

Byran Martin, Graduate Fellow
Doctoral Student, Department of Political Science
Byran Martin holds an MA in Political Science. He studies mass political behavior and American politics. Martin has experience administering telephone, Internet, and mail surveys. His own research focuses on interactions between survey respondents and interviewers, the politics of race and ethnicity, and media effects.


Michael M. Harrod, Research Affiliate
Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Central Washington
Michael M. Harrod is a former graduate fellow with the UCR Survey Research Center. His research extends identity control theory by exploring how actors come to explain the fairness of their current social position. Harrod's research has appeared in Social Psychology Quarterly

Shelley N. Osborn, Research Affiliate
Doctoral Student, Department of Sociology
Shelley Osborn is a former graduate fellow with the UCR Survey Research Center. She holds an MA in Sociology. Osborne's interests include research methodology, emotions, and identity.  Her work has appeared in the Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence and will appear in an upcoming volume of Advances in Groups Processes.